Cookie Policy

At, we believe privacy is paramount. We only use essential cookies to power site functionality and gather analytics to improve our platform.

The cookies we employ fall into two categories:

Functional Cookies: These critical cookies enable core site capabilities like page navigation, access to Q&As, search functionality, user accounts, and securing infrastructure. Without them, Askfy would not work.

Analytics Cookies: We implement Google Analytics and other tools to analyze site traffic and usage. This allows us to improve Askfy’s question library, expert matching, and user experience. However, the gathered data is completely anonymous—we have no way of identifying individual users.

We will never share or sell cookie data to external companies or vendors. By using Askfy and agreeing to this policy, you consent to the limited use of cookies as described here solely to deliver and optimize our service. We do not employ tracking, advertising, or other unnecessary cookies, keeping our practices lean and focused on site performance.